*UPDATE* November 27, 2002. Finally, pictures!

Melissa wearing some battery dude's boots. :-)
Pit guys.. Steve, Jay, Ewing, and Eddie
Mallory and the MalletKat.
The famous pit stretches. Not really famous, but ya know..
More stretches.
The opening drill set during practice at New Albany HS in Indiana.
Doing a run through of the show.
Going back another set..
Awards at New Albany. We're in the right hand corner, in the black.
The battery in the gym at Nutter Center.
The pit in the same gym.
The webmistress warming up on xylo, in front of the bus...that rain was just awful.
Ian giving such a pleasant look.
The seniors of the 2002 line.
Garland,our awesome truck driver and the seniors.

If anyone in the line has anymore pics from last year, WHICH I KNOW YOU DO, hehe, please send them to me or give them to me at school, and I will be glad to post them up here. :-)